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Appeal for Scottish crofting land to be preserved.

The Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) has warned that Scotland's crofters are on the verge of becoming extinct.

Crofting land is becoming more and more desirable in Scotland and as a result, there are numerous de-crofting applications being approved.

SCF has written a strongly worded letter to those leading the Crofting Commission (and ultimately approving these de-crofting applications) calling those leaders to action to preserve crofting in Scotland.

SCF want the Crofting Commission to more adequately regulate the crofting system and make crofts available to young people and local people for minimal cost and for crofts to be used as they were intended instead of the land being bought at inflated prices by people with no intention to croft the land.

Much of the crofting land across Scotland remains unoccupied for the majority of the year on account of the current market.

I wonder if the Crofting Commission will issue a public response to the SCF? One to keep an eye on!

Crofts are unaffordable to local or young people, many crofts are unused, and inappropriate decrofting is granted


crofting, housing