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Legal insights & industry updates

| 1 minute read

The importance of CPD and networking

It was wonderful to be able to attend the recent annual Family Law Association Conference in St Andrews. The event is about so much more than CPD and networking. The stunning location provided the perfect opportunity to re-charge.

One of the most rewarding aspects for me was hearing my colleagues comment on the strength of our team and their commitment to the work we do for our clients. Emerging from the pandemic in to the cost of living crisis brings challenges for us all. The conference gave pause for reflection on how to continue to provide outstanding family law services for our clients without compounding financial difficulties.

Attending the conference provided us with a great learning opportunity. It should go without saying though that a specialist family lawyer will know about the latest developments in case law and legislation. There is a great deal to be said too for us as a team having an opportunity to reflect on our uniquely pragmatic and collaborative approach.

Sharing our collective knowledge and experiences as a team allows us to add value for the clients we care about. Our professional satisfaction lies in helping people make transitions positively. If ever there was a time for those qualities in family law, it is now.


family law